Media Reports and Articles

A Vision to plant food hub for FNQ - Cairns Post - 8 July 2021

A vision to plant food hub for FNQ - Cairns Post - 8 July 2021 Continue Reading...

Small Business Support COVID Recovery Stimulus

The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training have recently released a Factsheet including links to available FREE business support, training and mentoring and available Grants & Funding, including the Small Business Adaption Grant currently open for regional... Continue Reading...

FNQ Erosion & Sediment Control / Stormwater Quality Improvement Community Practice Session

FNQ Erosion and Sediment Control/Stormwater Quality Improvement Community Practice Session - 27 February 2020 Following discussions with a number of councils over the past couple of months, it has become apparent that there is an opportunity to do things differently around... Continue Reading...

NHVR LG Heavy Vehicle Access Workshop

LGAQ Heavy Vehicle Access Workshop - 20 March As part of the recent Return on Delegation Project, the OSOM review and an update on Heavy Vehicle Access, the LGAQ will be facilitating Heavy Vehicle Access Workshops (focusing on Class 1 OSOM and SPV), to be held in the... Continue Reading...

CMCA RV Road Tourism

CMCA RV Road Tourism Situation Report 2019 Continue Reading...

FNQ Planners Forum

DSDMIP hosted the bi-annual FNQ Planners Forum in Cairns on the 19th June and the following stakeholders provided presentations:-   Wet Tropics Management Authority:  Wet Tropics Management Plan Review Great Barrier Reef Management Authority:  GBRMA Position Statements... Continue Reading...

FNQROC Board Presentations

FNQROC Board Presentations (June 2019)   1. Wet Tropics Management Authority (WTMA) - DRAFT Wet Tropics Management Plan 2. Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) - DRAFT State Recovery Plan for NQ and FNQ Monsoon Trough 3. Cook Shire Council (CSC) - Cooktown Expo 2020... Continue Reading...

Telstra Presentation to FNQROC Board

Telstra Presentation by Mr Troy Smithells - VIEW HERE Continue Reading...

Adventure and Nature Based Tourism in TNQ

DITID Presentation by Mr David Edwards - VIEW HERE Continue Reading...

Independent Assessor and Integrity Commissioner Presentation to FNQROC Board

Office of the Independent Assessor presented by Ms Kathleen Florian - VIEW HERE   Queensland Integrity Commissioner presented by Dr Nikola Stepanov - VIEW HERE Continue Reading...