Roads Group


Update by:  Amanda Hancock, Regional Strategic Infrastructure Coordinator The Regional Road & Transport Group Technical Committee have been working with Shepherd Services to develop our new Program Management Tool. I am pleased to confirm that the existing works program has... Continue Reading...


Update by:  Amanda Hancock, Regional Strategic Infrastructure Coordinator I am pleased to confirm that despite an extremely challenging year, the 2023-24 Transport and Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) program was delivered successfully,  with just under 100% of... Continue Reading...

NHVR LG Heavy Vehicle Access Workshop

LGAQ Heavy Vehicle Access Workshop - 20 March As part of the recent Return on Delegation Project, the OSOM review and an update on Heavy Vehicle Access, the LGAQ will be facilitating Heavy Vehicle Access Workshops (focusing on Class 1 OSOM and SPV), to be held in the... Continue Reading...

Regional Roads and Transport Group Update - Sept 2018

Regional Roads and Transport Group Update New projects, new projects, new projects!!! Get them in! 50% off, for one year only! Annually! Gravel LRRS road works are now eligible under TIDS! (If this floats your boat, call me on 0428 486 447 to discuss a submission! Be warned,... Continue Reading...