Request-for-Expressions-of-Interest-Generic-.docx (RFEOI) - use with Procurement Process Conditions
General-Specification-Standard-Risk-.docx - Construct Only, Design and Construct, Supply with Installation
Scope---Trade-Services-ROPS-or-PSA-Services-Single-Engagement-and-Services-Fixed-Term-Engagement-.docx - Trade Services (ROPS or PSA), Single Engagement Services, Fixed Term Engagement Services (includes Consultancy)
Specification-Checklist-Works-.pdf - Scope – WORKS (including Supply with Installation)
Response-Schedule---Works-RFEOI-.docx - Response Schedules - Expression of Interest (EOI) - WORKS​
Response-Schedule---Goods-and-Services-RFEOI-.docx - Response Schedules - Expression of Intereset (EOI) - Goods and Services​