Use these documents when procuring and delivering construction contracts. The ‘Works’ documents are based on Australian Standard contracts.
It is each councils responsiblity to maintain annual copyright licences from Standards Australia for the use, reproduction and distribution of copyright material. For AS4000 Construction, AS4902 Design and Construction, AS4906 Minor Works annexures and contract conditions, council licence numbers are required in the footers of the documents
If you are unsure of this process, please speak with your Procurement Officer/Coordinator
General-Specification-Standard-Risk-.docx General Specification – to be used for Construct Only, Design Construct and Supply with Installation
General-Specification-Minor-Works-.docx General Specification - to be used for MINOR WORKS
Contract---Construct-Only-Standard-Risk-.docx - Contract – AS4000 Construct Only (Standard Risk)
Contract---Design-Construct-Standard-Risk-.docx - Contract – AS4902 Design and Construct (Standard Risk)
Contract---Minor-Works-with-or-without-design-.docx - Contract – AS4906 Minor Works (with or without design)
Notice-of-Successful-Tender-Generic-.docx (Generic all suites)
Letter-enclosing-executed-Contract-Generic-.docx (Generic all suites)
Notice-of-Successful-Quotation-Generic-.docx (Generic all suites)
Notice-of-Successful-Quotation---Order-Local-Buy-.docx - with Appendix A documents comprising contract
Notice-of-Unsuccessful-Tender-Generic-.docx (Generic all suites)
Notice-of-Unsuccessful-Quotation-Generic-.docxNotice of unsuccessful quotation (Generic all suites)
Notice-of-Cancellation-of-Procurement-Process-Generic-.docx Notice of cancellation of tender/quotation (Generic all suites)