Submissions are evaluated by reference to the sound contracting principles in section 104 of the Local Government Act 2009, namely:
In addition, submissions are also evaluated using the information provided in the respondents submission form.
Part 3 of the tender documentation sets out the information and documentation required to be included in the submission. The first section requests Mandatory Information and in order to submit a conforming tender, the respondent must comply with all the requirements contained with the tender documents and complete all the tender return schedules requested. If information requested in this section is not provided, the submission may be deemed ‘non-conforming’ and ineligible for evaluation.
The next section deals with the Qualitative Criteria which for the Bitumen Reseal tender was set out in five sections:
In relation to FNQROC arrangements, each individual council will evaluate the submissions without the pricing component, the results are collated centrally by FNQROC and the pricing component is then included before the final outcome is agreed and recommendations provided to individual Councils for ratification. The arrangement cannot be formally ‘awarded’ until the last Council has approved the recommendations and this process usually takes a whole month as different Council meet at different times during the month.
Whilst there are a number of Councils involved in our collective procurement arrangements, each Council will form an individual Contract with the supplier as FNQROC does not have formal delegated authority to contract on behalf of Councils.