The operational review of the Alliance is progressing as planned. Another workshop with Technical Coordinators from across the state is being held in Brisbane on a date to be announced. The Alliance Board intends to finalise the review in the next couple of months with a release of the new guidelines slated for the RRTG Assembly. It will be held in conjunction with the LGAQ Annual Conference at Mackay sometime during 27-29 October.
Development of the 2015/16 to 2018/19 Works Program will commence at the next Technical Committee meeting with the aim of finalising this at the meeting before Christmas. Currently we only have 2015/16 tentatively developed due to the fact Douglas and Mareeba had only been in existence for a month when the last works program was finalised earlier this year, and our TIDS allocation will change from 2015/16. It is expected this will increase by approximately $200,000 from the current $2.749m annually.
So what does this mean? All Councils should be looking at their own forward works program in preparation for project submissions in the next couple of months.
The 2014/15 Capability Agreement and Action Plan will be finalised at the next Technical Committee meeting.
Could all Councils please check with their HR / training people for any proposed training needs in the next 12 months in the roads / transport civil field and notify me as soon as possible. The Alliance has its Statewide Capability Development Fund of $600,000 annually and any alignment of training needs may be eligible to source 50% funding from it. These training needs have to be included in the Capability Agreement and Action Plan to qualify.
Another reminder to ensure Road and Rail Crossing Interface Agreements are finalised and signed, if they haven't already been done.
Another reminder if you have any potential safety hotspots on the state controlled network in your local government area that may warrant a road safety audit being undertaken – notify Brett Martin (Manager Project Planning & Corridor Management) at TMR on or 07 40457073.
Gerard Meade (MacDonnells Law) is giving a short presentation at the next Technical Committee meeting on Friday 8 August in Cairns regarding a project undertaken in the past 12 months with the North West Queensland RRTG. A suite of standard contract documentation, including conditions of contract, tendering, forms and user guides, was established and tailored to suit the member Councils based on AS contract documentation.
It includes minor, medium and major works, design and construct contracts, consultancy contracts, compensation agreements and plant hire agreements.
It was with great sadness we learnt of the passing of Ron Diehm on 22 July after a five year battle with illness. Ron was a long serving employee of Croydon Shire Council having spent nearly 41 years with Council, the majority of this time as Works Manager / Overseer, after an early career in the defence forces. He was aged 68 and retired from Council 12 months ago.
Ron was a thorough gentleman and genuine good bloke and I'm sure many of you reading this newsletter will nod your head in agreement. He was an institution in Croydon and obviously was heavily involved in many milestones in the history of Croydon Shire since the early '70s. Sealing of the Gulf Development Road between Georgetown and Normanton in the '90s, creation of Lake Belmore in the late '90s, and development and gazettal of the Croydon-Richmond Road are just three majors of many significant projects. Ron also mentored younger employees in the civil and local government works field over the years. He didn't waste words and when he spoke, you listened.
Ron was also an active member of IPWEA and those of you who attended the iconic NQ Branch Conference held in Croydon a few years back would attest to his organisational abilities. It is still spoken about today! He was also a member of a number of the regional local government committees in the works area.
Personally I first met Ron at the Cairns Amateurs in the early 2000s and it was a good setting for both of us – he loved a punt and a beer! But perhaps my favourite memory of Ron goes like this:
We were in Croydon a few years back for a Regional Roads Group Technical Committee meeting and having arrived the afternoon before, Ron took a few of us on a short tour of Croydon which included Lake Belmore. Driving back we stopped at "Ron Diehm Lookout" to admire the view and the impressive timber log and panel sign. Later that night at the pub I commented to Ron that "it was good of Council to recognise you with the naming of the lookout up there". Ron's response with a little cheeky grin was, "They didn't ... I did it myself and I made the sign!". Needless to say drinks weren't ordered for a few minutes until the laughter subsided.
So next time you're in Croydon take the time to stop for a moment at "Ron Diehm Lookout" and remember a great man. Our condolences go to his family and closest friends – he was very well liked, very well respected and will be missed.