The LGAQ Future Cities Summit 2018 was hosted recently in Cairns, with the key learnings:-
1. Smart Cities, Why you should care
- What if we throw our biggest problems at tech and see what happens?
- Social data for neighbourhood….19m Australians have smart phones, 69% of Australians are enrolled to vote but 79% have social media profiles
- Look for assets (using social media data), not opinions
- See through the Locals’ eyes
- Always be thinking about context
To learn more, view the neighbourlytics presentation here: Smart Cities Why you should care Presentation
2. Let’s Get Phy-gital (Chris Isles presentation can be found here)
- A smart City is really a misnomer. It will first and foremost be a collection of smart streets, smart buildings and smart precents, that link to create a larger smart eco-system. The most advanced in this is Rockhampton, Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay.
- A Smart City is one that adopts a forward-looking way in economy, people, governance, mobility, environment, and living for the benefit of its residents and it is a process rather than a static outcome.
- Government is no longer the owner of the best data sets:
- Uber knows more about our streets, networks and congestion
- Strava the owner of the best cycle data
- Yelp greater insights into social life in cities
- Yes – data will need to come from private companies
- No – not all data will be stored on your server
- Yes – open data and data sharing is the new norm
- Taking a conservative position on data, due to real or perceived community expectations, will put you on the back foot
- Who Pays vs Who Operates – There are opportunities to offset costs to Council to 3rd parties in exchange to access to data and/or service delivery
- Top 8 Smart cities actions and tips for Local Governments
To learn more, view Chris Isles presentation here: Lets get phy-gital Presentation Chris Isles LGAQ July18
3. Future Cities, Smart Communities
- 24x7 Government expectations and behaviours – the ability to deliver services to the community on their terms, when they want them, how they want them, wherever they want them
- Culture of innovation:
- Customer obsession
- Long term thinking
- If you want to be inventive, you have to be willing to fail
- You have to be willing to be misunderstood for a long time
- Don’t try and look at what’s going to change consider “What is NOT going to change”.
To learn more, view the Amazon web services presentation here: Future Cities, Smart Communities Presentation
4. Transport capabilities
To learn more, view the presentation by Madeliene McManus, Monash University here: Transport Capabilities Presentation
5. Moving with travel changes
- New technologies
- Increased access to data and near real time analytics
- Changes in consumer demand
- What does the future look like
- Potential benefits
6. Plan your Brisbane Case Study
- Plan your Brisbane game used to gather information
To learn more, view the presentation by Dy Currie here: Plan your Brisbane Case Study Presentation
7. Waste to Energy
- What does ‘smart’ waste management mean?
- ‘Smart’ Cities – Global Case Studies
- The role of waste to energy
- Project case studies
To learn more, view the presentation by Andy Street, SLR Consulting here: Waste to Energy Presentation