The LG MIP (major integrated project) this year, 24 Reef Councils have worked with key stakeholders to develop three major projects targeting improved water quality outcomes for the Reef. These initiatives have been brought together in a single prospectus specifically to secure funding and leverage Reef councils’ existing investment - estimated at between $220 and $600 million per annum collectively.
The final proposal is out for final comment and support prior to being tabled at the Reef Guardian Councils Steering Committee, November 1, Brisbane. Contact if you want to know more or receive updates.
Vegetation Management - Draft Assessable Development Vegetation Clearing codes out for comment
Three revised Assessable Development Vegetation Clearing codes have released for comment. They relate to; necessary environmental clearing; managing weeds and managing encroachment (woody thickening). The draft codes can be found here. At this stage we have provided comment to an LGAQ submission relating to the draft managing weeds code. It is likely there are infrastructure management related matters which may be relevant to local government operations as well. Key changes across all draft codes include adjusting the notification duration from until the subject lot is sold to a period of 2 years; and record keeping requirements more directly related to the activities undertaken. Overall most revisions to the code relate to recommendations provided by the Queensland Herbarium and CSIRO and hence provide more detail/specification on the code provisions to avoid breaches or misinterpretation.
Comments due October 19.
Gamba grass research project kicks off. A multi-agency research project which will develop end-user oriented products and tools for managing the growing issue of Gamba grass and other high biomass grasses in northern Australia was launched this month. The project will test and develop a range of control, management and decision support tools and guidelines for on-ground managers. The project compliments work about to begin with a research project secured by the NAMAC through the Land Protection Fund investigating aspects of managing high biomass grasses on roadsides and other disturbed areas.
Climate change and reef health message is outlined in latest IPCC report– “Global warming 1.5°C” is the latest report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report outlines the projected impacts of global warming 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels on human, social and environmental systems. The report outlines the consequences we are already experiencing due to 1°C of human-induced warming and details the climate change impacts that could be avoided by limiting this trend to 1.5°C as opposed to 2.0°C in currently targeted agreed to under the Paris Agreement. We are already on track to reach 1.5°C warming between 2030 and 2052 with the emissions from the beginning of the industrial period now set to persist for centuries to millennia. Important in this is the communication that the impacts of climate change are not linear but accumulative. By way of example a warming of 1.5°C will result in a 70-90% decline in coral reefs globally, whereas virtually all (>99%) would be lost with 2.0°C. The sobering take home message in the report is that the decisions we make now may be the most important in our history and will have significant bearing on both the impacts we will face and the options we have to adapt into the future. IPCC report
Climate change risk management tool for Queensland households
The Queensland Department of Environment and Science are teaming up with NCCARF and BMT to develop a climate change risk management tool for households in Queensland. The tool will build on existing resources (Climate Change in Australia, CSIRO, BoM, NCCARF) and provide guidance on how best to use information to understand and manage climate change risks. Householders and related stakeholders are invited to participate in the consultation process via an online survey or by self-nominating or proposing face to face consultation with important stakeholders. More information
Senate inquiry into the impact of feral deer, pigs and goats in Australia.
On 18 September 2018, the Senate referred matters related to the impact of feral deer, pigs and goats in Australia to the Environment and Communications References Committee for inquiry and report by the second sitting Wednesday in February 2019. The full terms of reference are as follows:
The impact of feral deer, pigs and goats in Australia, and national priorities to prevent the problems worsening for the natural environment, community and farmers, including:
(a) the current and potential occurrence of feral deer, pigs and goats across Australia;
(b) the likely and potential biosecurity risks and impacts of feral deer, pigs and goats on the environment, agriculture, community safety and other values;
(c) the effectiveness of current state and national laws, policies and practices in limiting spread and mitigating impacts of feral deer, pigs and goats;
(d) the efficacy and welfare implications of currently available control and containment tools and methods, and the potential for new control and containment tools and methods;
(e) priority research questions;
(f) the benefits of developing and fully implementing national threat abatement plans for feral deer, pigs and goats; and
(g) any other related matters.
Submissions are due by 2 November 2018. FNQROC will prepare a submission which we will circulate through the NAMAC. More information