New Approach to regional arts service delivery kicks off in Queensland
The Palaszczuk Government recently announced eight regions across the state that will benefit from a new network that will further support the arts in regional areas. Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said eight key regions across the state would be supported by regional arts service providers, together with a State Coordination Office, to form the new Regional Arts Services Network. The establishment of this new network follows the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment of $6.5 million over four years in the 2017-18 State Budget for Indigenous and regional arts initiatives.
This network will drive regional development priorities, boost local jobs and provide greater input and options for arts investment at a local level. Regional arts service providers will work together to deliver arts services across key regional locations in Queensland for the next three years.
The Regional Arts Services Network was developed in response to consultation with more than 330 stakeholders, and the providers were selected through a robust procurement process.
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To view the Arts Qld presentation to FNQROC Western Councils click on this link RASN PowerPoint