Update by: Travis Sydes, Regional Natural Asset Management Coordinator
Natural Assets & Sustainability (October 2021)
It has been a busy little while with several projects coming to a close as new ones begin. We are excited to have two pilot projects under the Queensland Climate Resilient Councils Program underway in the region which dovetail in neatly with the work underway in individual councils on coastal hazards and climate. A personal highlight of the last few months was being able to attend the Cairns Youth Climate Summit in September and to hear the concerns and aspirations of our youth first-hand. The Animal Management Technical Committee (AMTC) and the Natural Asset Management Technical Committee (NAMAC) have been working to progress shared agendas and resource sharing across the region.
Commencement of the Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 - 1080 vertebrate pesticide update
Most natural asset operators in local government will be well familiar with the use of 1080 pesticide as well as the current changes in implementation. The 1080 toxin (sodium fluoroacetate) is used in Queensland for the control of wild dogs and feral pigs. With the commencement of the new Act from September 27, 2021, new arrangements come into play for its use and administration. Read more The most outward facing change for councils is the move from previous partnership arrangements with Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to administration by Queensland Health. In the revised arrangements a range of changes regarding delivery and supply will also come into effect. One of the key changes is the introduction of commercial baiting operators (CBO). In addition, the long-standing supply of 1080 toxin (as concentrate) from QDAF will shortly cease and product will need to be purchased from commercial suppliers. Any existing supplies from the state stockpile cannot be used past December 31, 2021.
Supporting documentation has been drafted to replace deed poll and stock control books previously issued by QDAF. Councils continuing to deliver 1080 baiting services will need to adopt this new documentation.
A series of FAQ have been compiled to assist councils understand the changes which have been posted to LGAQs Congruent website.
The Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 also deals with other regulated toxins used in pest animal and vector management.
In a major win for the regions cane and banana industries the APVMA has recently approved a minor use permit (PER89377) for the control of feral pigs using of fruit based (banana and mango) fruit-based baits. The minor use permit only applies in the LGA’s of Burdekin, Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Cook, Douglas, Hinchinbrook, Mareeba and Tablelands.
Making Waves – New innovations in waterway health – forum
Since its inception the Wet Tropics Waterways Partnership has gone from strength to strength and has some great runs on the board as it continues to build on the strengths of the water quality community of practice in the Wet Tropics. Building on the success of the inaugural event in 2019 a second waterways gathering in November will bring science, policy and practitioners together in a regional forum focused on waterways.
Presented by Wet Tropics Waterways, this one-day forum will showcase new and emerging innovations and technologies being used to improve waterway health. Featuring well-known local and interstate speakers, read more the four topics of the forum are:
- Remote sensing, GIS and Artificial intelligence
- Citizen Science and Behaviour Change
- Water Quality
- Environmental Restoration
The forum is a great opportunity to hear from waterway health experts and network with professionals interested in the health of waterways in the Wet Tropics. View the program and bookings here.
Thursday 4th November 202, 8.30am – 4.00pm, CQU Cairns, 42-52 Abbott Street & Shields Street, Cairns
Ongoing resources announced for Navua sedge biocontrol and herbicide research
The Federal Government recently announced ongoing funding to continue research into management options including; classical biocontrol, mycoherbicide (fungal) research and herbicide control. The funding was announced by Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia, David Littleproud as part of the Established Pest Animals and Weeds Management Pipeline Program. Works will be undertaken by Biosecurity Queensland Researchers in collaboration with CABI UK, University of Southern Queensland and Federation University, Victoria.
Round three of Rainforest Resilience Project – funding call coming soon
Local governments and partners involved in the recovery of littoral rainforest, cassowary and Mabi forest in the Wet Tropics are reminded a fresh call for projects to be delivered in first half of 2022 will be made shortly. The projects will need to deliver against outcomes of weed management, restoration and habitat protection. A total project budget of $250,000 is available for this round and proponents will need to be members of recovery teams to apply and must engage with the relevant Traditional Owner representatives during project design stage (resources are available to assist with engagement). Interested councils who are not members of recovery teams can apply through the FNQROC (get in touch with Travis to discuss). $250,000 Rainforest Resilience grants round opens (terrain.org.au)