Update by: Amanda Hancock, Regional Strategic Infrastructure Coordinator
FNQ Regional Water Capability Plan
On Thursday 3 October 2024, Stantec presented to the FNQROC Board the much-anticipated FNQ Regional Water Capability Plan. The Plan is now with member Councils for their consideration with a view to seeking endorsement at the next FNQROC Board meeting on 5 December 2024.
FNQ Water Alliance
FNQROC continues to work closely with Queensland Water and supports the Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program (QWRAP) which is a partnership between the Queensland Government, Queensland Water and local Councils to deliver sustainable safe, secure and reliable urban water and sewerage services to regional and remote communities. We also sit on the Queensland Water Sewerage and Environmental Advisory Panel (SWEAP) and Queensland Water Consortium for Research and Advocacy on Emerging Contaminants (qCRAC ). Contaminants of emerging concern are an increasing issue for the local government water sector as the community and regulatory expectations increase and the ability to trace chemicals improves. The recently announced consultation on PFAS limits in the Environmental Protection Regulation is just one example of the issues Councils currently face.
As Regional Infrastructure Coordinator, I recently attended the Queensland Water Chair and Coordinators Forum where it was great to share details of the progress of our Regional Water Capability Plan followed by the QLD Water Annual Forum which included presentations from a number of informative speakers on all matters relating to the many challenges and opportunities currently facing the sector including ageing infrastructure, rising construction costs and management of PFAS risks.
Events such as these are a great opportunity to gear how others in the State are dealing with similar challenges. I was also pleased to be able to safely hand-deliver some water samples on behalf of Cairns Regional Council for entry into the annual Queensland Water Taste Test.