Update by:  Travis Sydes, Regional Strategic Infrastructure Coordinator

Natural Assets and Sustainability

2024 seems to be racing by as we head into October on the back of a drawn-out wet season which caused widespread chaos and disruption to the region. The lead-up to the State election has seen a range of projects either ramp up or wind up in anticipation of the caretaker period as a range of federal programs come online in the NRM and sustainability space for councils.

Regional Mountain Bike Strategy

The Regional Mountain Biking Strategy is complete and with the Board for final consideration. Heading into the State election we worked with the steering committee to develop a five-year mountain bike infrastructure plan which was included in the FNQROC Advocacy Delegation to Brisbane in August. The regional mountain bike infrastructure plan maps out a collective regional ask of ~$40 m to increase the region's trail offering by over 60% over five years. The infrastructure plan would see three of our regional trail networks (Smithfield, Atherton Forest and Davies Creek) upgraded to a national significance standard alongside a new nationally significant trail network development at Cardwell. Additional smaller projects in Douglas and Croydon will bolster local offerings as well as augment the tourism offerings for visitors to the region.

In the events and happenings around the region the long-anticipated Wangetti Trail has been officially launched with section one from Palm Cove to Ellis Beach opened to the public. UCI Masters World Championships and Crankworx Cairns have been dialled in again for two weeks of back-to-back mountain biking competition from May 18 to May 25.

Wangetti Trail opens with a ribbon-cutting ceremony performed by Traditional Owners, Minster Micheal Healy and Senator Nita Green.

Regional biosecurity capacity and partnerships in the spotlight

Our Wet Tropics Biosecurity Futures project has kicked off in earnest over the past few months. The projectis funded through the State Governments Enhancing Local Government Biosecurity Capacityin Far North Queensland program to assist in the coordination of regional approaches to the management of invasive plants and animals.The objective of the project is to enhance biosecurity capacity in Far North Queensland by building stronger and more efficient working relationships across the region.

The project will build on our existing regional partnerships to connect with local on-ground land managers and stakeholders involved in the day-to-day management of invasive plants and animals. It will focus on sharing knowledge, technical expertise, strategy policy and planning through a series of biosecurity roadshows, forums, and workshops. FNQROC is partnering with Terrain NRM to develop regionally relevant communication and engagement related to biosecurity management materials across the region. A series of workshops, forums and local biosecurity roadshows will be held around the regionfocusing on key biosecurity issues and solutions.

Animal Management

Our regional animal management teams have been working through the changes originating from the legislative changes under the dangerous dogs; safer communities amendments to the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008.

A range of policy and implementation conflicts have emerged from the rollout and there has been some warranted level of frustration at the slow implementation and development of supporting materials and resources.

The AMTC is in the process of developing a project plan to undertake a workforce capability review to revise the approaches and systems currently in place to deliver Council's obligations to the community and the legislation. The review will assess existing skills, identify gaps, and create opportunities for improvement in workforce skills, training, and capacity. It will also explore avenues to transition the business of animal management from a compliance-focused to a behaviour change-focused business model.

Date Claimers:  

  • Wet Tropics Biosecurity Futures – Cat Management Workshop – Friday 8 November 8 2024, Cairns WORKSHOP-flyer  Register here  
  • Natural Asset Management Advisory Committee #60 – Tuesday 19 November 19 2024, Cairns
  • Animal Management Technical Committee #19 – Friday 6 December 2024, Cairns


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