Update by:  Travis Sydes, Regional Strategic Infrastructure Coordinator

Natural Assets and Sustainability - December 2024

In the final months of 2024, we have been busy working with Councils on updating biosecurity plans, preparing the next steps for the Regional Mountain Bike Strategy, discussing regional cat management options, and undertaking disaster preparedness training with our natural assets and animal management teams.

Animal Management and Natural Asset Management Shared Learnings

I recently teamed up with FNQROC's Climate Resilience Coordinator, Maria Anselmo, to deliver disaster management scenario training with our animal and natural asset management teams from member Councils. These exercises build on work we began in the Rivers to Reef Climate Alliance pilot project.  The exercises aim to pressure test our teams in mock natural disaster management situations where they work in an interactive team environment to respond to an unfolding event. It's an excellent opportunity to fine-tune business continuity plans and supporting processes and policies in a 'peacetime' situation before our peak disaster management season begins.

As part of the exercise, we undertake a debrief and SWOT analysis to map out weak spots and strengths in Councils' systems and identify improvements to be made in upcoming seasons and annual work plans.

Key takeaways for this year included deploying remote communications technology to maintain data connectivity and planning to better manage community expectations during and after disasters through clearer communication.

Wet Tropics Cat Management Workshop

In early November, a diverse group of regional stakeholders joined a regional workshop to unpack the complex world of cat management in the Wet Tropics region. The workshop, funded by Queensland DAF's Enhancing Local Government Biosecurity Capacity Project, focused on the entire nexus of cats, from domestic pets to feral pests. The key aims of the workshop were to understand ways of keeping companion animals and people safe and protecting our unique biodiversity and wild places from the multiple impacts presented by cats. It is a complex space with many moving parts and complex interactions with people and other wildlife.

Following an opening address from the National Feral Cat (and Fox) Management Coordinator, Gillian Bassnet, participants were inspired by presentations from Brisbane City Council, RSPCA, AMRRIC, QPWS and Biosecurity Queensland. The workshop outcomes will inform the ongoing work of our Natural Assets and Animal Management Technical Committees and inform the next steps for regional partnerships across the many agencies and groups involved.

The research gaps collated during the workshop will inform a regional research proposal to the Land Protection Fund. A short proceedings paper will be released in due course.  

Regional Mountain Bike Strategy

A busy six months for the FNQ region's cyclists and mountain biking industry has seen the adoption of the Tablelands Region Cycling Strategy 2024-34 and the Tropical North Queensland Regional Mountain Biking Strategy 2024-34. With the long-awaited opening of the Wangetti Trail, many eyes were on the election to see what might come forward in future commitments to this booming industry. Around $14m was allocated to Smithfield trails, which is tremendously exciting for the region's riders and economy. However, it still leaves us chasing funding for critical upgrades at Atherton Forest and Davies Creek and exciting new works planned for a major trail network experience at Cardwell. Now that the strategy is adopted, the Steering Committee will be reforming (and maybe changing shape) to pursue the implementation of the strategy over the next 10 years. FNQROC have committed to supporting the first 2 years of the strategy rollout by facilitating the committee in the future. Watch this space. Our mountain bike clubs and partners are on a roll, and there's a lot in the pipeline for next year already.

2025 Date Claimers:

  • Natural Asset Management Technical Committee#61, February 2025, online – information sharing only
  • Animal Management Technical Committee #22, February 2025, online - information sharing only
  • Natural Asset Management Technical Committee#62– Friday 4 April 2025 , Cairns Committee Room
  • Animal Management Technical Committee #23 – Friday 18 April 2025, Cairns Committee Room
  • Regional Mountain Bike Strategy Steering Committee #2, Friday 2 May 2015, Cairns Committee Room
  • Wet Tropics Regional Biosecurity Workshop #2, Thursday 8 May 2015, Cairns, Civic Reception
  • Wet Tropics Biosecurity Futures Workshop – Friday 9 May 2025, Cairns, Civic Reception  

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