FNQ Erosion & Sediment Control / Stormwater Quality Improvement Community Practice Session

FNQ Erosion and Sediment Control/Stormwater Quality Improvement Community Practice Session - 27 February 2020

Following discussions with a number of councils over the past couple of months, it has become apparent that there is an opportunity to do things differently around stormwater quality improvement and erosion and sediment control.

As I am sure you are aware, as a region we face significantly different rainfall patterns to other parts of the country and as such, the current State Planning Policy requirements have an asymmetric effect in the context of the Far North Queensland volume of rainfall.

To this effect, we have engaged with Healthy Land and Water(advisors to State Government) and the International Erosion and Sediment Control Association (Australia) to facilitate a workshop to collaboratively work towards outcomes that are both effective in meeting the states intent, and have practical application within the field.

It is requested that you please forward this onto any staff that have a relevant interest in stormwater quality and erosion and sediment control management (incl. Construction Managers, etc.) and industry parties (Engineers/larger construction/development enterprises) to get the best spectrum of representation we can.

We propose a brief one day community of practice meeting with the following agenda:


Far North Queensland Erosion and Sediment Control

Community of Practice Meeting

Date: Thursday 27th February 2020

Time: 9:15am for a 9.30am start to 4.30 pm

Venue: Barlow Park Corporate Room, Cairns





9:15 am

Arrival - Tea and Coffee


9:30 am

Welcome, introductions and agenda review


9:45 am

Setting the Scene #1 (Statewide)

  1. SPP   [2017] State Interests Water Quality and SPP Water Quality Guideline
  2. Draft   Queensland ESC and USW Strategy
  3. Draft   Stewardship Framework
  4. Reef   Water Quality Outcomes
  5. FNQROC   Development Manual
  6. WbD   and DES Erosion and Sediment Control / Urban Stormwater Program insights

DES and WbD and FNQROC


Morning tea


11:15 am





Setting the Scene #2 (FNQ)

  1. Challenges   and pressures
  2. Successes


Facilitated Workshop session #1

Industry Concerns and Community and Legislative   Expectations

Current Challenges in the   industry - identifying the issues, annoyances and frustrations

Select the 4 or 5 most   pressing challenges faced for Facilitated Workshop session #2

FNQROC and local councils










Facilitated Workshop session #2

4 to 5 tables – 1 challenge per table (15 minutes per   table)


Outcomes from tables




Table facilitator


Afternoon Tea




Facilitated Workshop session #3

Moving forward

Local industry commitments and decisions towards meeting   Reef Plan 2050 and legislation



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