By: Darlene Irvine, FNQROC Executive Officer
Another huge month has gone by. I have just reviewed the updates from the FNQROC Coordinators and it is exciting to read what they are doing. Topics in my report this month include:
1. Welcome to Lauren Stiles who is with us on a casual basis
2. FNQROC strategic directions workshop
3. NDRRA submission to both the State and Federal Governments
4. Regional Events
5. Regional destination development, and
6. Q-WRAP workshop.
Read MoreBy: Lauren Stiles, FNQROC Planning Projects Officer
Regional Standard Conditions
FNQROC is undertaking a project to standardise conditions of approval across the region to assist Local Government Planners in development assessment. An initial scoping study is underway to identify which Councils in the region currently have standard conditions. A further analysis of the standard conditions used by Councils will determine where it may be appropriate to standardise across the region. So far, this study has indicated there are a number of different approaches being used across the region, and there is an overwhelming need to develop regional standard conditions. We will work closely with Council Planners to develop standard conditions which will be useful and relevant to Councils in our region.
An update on the project and the preliminary findings of the scoping study will be given at the next FNQROC Planners Group meeting on Friday 24 August 2012.
Cassowaries in Planning Schemes Guideline
Terrain NRM is currently preparing a guideline to assist planning scheme drafts people to incorporate measures for cassowary protection into planning schemes. The guideline provides advice and examples which may be used when drafting the strategic framework, tables of assessment, zones, local plans, overlay codes and maps to ensure the protection of cassowary habitat and habitat links. The guideline is aimed at Local Governments within the jurisdiction of the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031, however it is encouraged to be used by any Local Governments with cassowary populations under threat. FNQROC is undertaking a review of the guideline to assist Terrain NRM in its preparation.
Read MoreBy: Gerard Read, Regional Infrastructure Project Coordinator
FNQRRG held a positive Technical Committee (TC) meeting in Atherton on Friday 13 July. Steve Verity of Tablelands Regional Council was appointed Deputy Chair of the TC under Chair, David Goodman of Cassowary Coast Regional Council.
A number of reference documents, forms, policies and factsheets etc pertaining to the Roads Alliance Board and FNQRRG have recently become available on the FNQROC website for information and use.
Read MoreBy: Frederick Marchant, Regional Planning & Sustainability Coordinator (Acting)
It has been a busy time filling in for Daniela while she is away on 12 months leave. Not only learning the ropes, but taking on the diverse and very busy list of jobs which Daniela had been working on in past months.
Energy Efficient Streetlighting
We have engaged Michael Fullelove of Local Buy to assist with putting together a cost benefit analysis of the various options for retrofitting streetlights to improve energy efficiency. This initiative is quite complex and involves more than just the replacement of lighting hardware. There is a lot of work to be done in sorting out arrangements and agreements with energy supply, maintenance, replacement agreements and future tariff structures as well as future government policy to ensure the best outcome for Councils in our region.
Sustainability Scorecard
Cairns Regional Council successfully implemented a Sustainability Scorecard system in 2011 and the Regional Sustainability Group will be looking at the potential to introduce similar systems across councils in our region. The scorecard is a practical and easy to use tool for making sustainability assessments of any projects and activities as well as providing council and community a simply way of assessing progress in sustainability initiatives.
Read MoreBy: Frederick Marchant, Regional Planning & Sustainability Coordinator (Acting)
The last meeting of the Regional Planners Group was held in Cairns on 15 June 2012 and was a major information download session for members with updates from State Government department staff regarding the restructuring of State Government departments, and the announcement of new political priorities in regard to planning legislation. Tracy Haynes from LGAQ added to the information sharing with a comprehensive update on LGAQ matters.
The Group will have a busy time over the ensuing months coming to grips with the proposed changes by the State Government.
Read MoreBy: Travis Sydes, Regional Natural Asset Management Coordinator
Cross regional partnership puts the squeeze on Gamba Grass
Tablelands Regional Council, Cook Shire Council (Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Program) and FNQROC have been successful in securing funding for implementation of stage one of the Cape York and Far North Queensland Gamba Grass Management Plan from the Commonwealth's Biodiveristy Fund. The funding of $760,000 will launch three seasons of control, survey and monitoring along the region's road networks and begin to address the westerly spread in the Mitchell River Catchment.
Read MoreBy: Steven Cosatto, Regional Procurement Coordinator
The next Procurement Group meeting, which was scheduled for Friday 3 August 2012 in Cooktown, has been transferred to Cairns and postponed to Friday 14 September 2012 at 10am. The guest speaker at the meeting will be Grant Mackenzie from Ipro LiVe who will provide a presentation of his organisation's software regarding management of contractor compliance, ie. licences, insurance policies, personal/corporate/legal data, references, OHS practices, financial position, environmental performance etc.
Council officers are increasingly involved in contract administration, particularly given the widening responsibilities of Councils and the greater emphasis on outsourcing. Reducing the costs and risks involved in contractor compliance will require greater resourcing. This may be an opportunity for resource sharing amongst Councils as FNQROC member Councils often utilise the same suppliers, contractors and consultants.
I am pleased to advise the Sodium Hypochlorite and Liquid Alum contractual arrangements were finalised and have been in operation since June.
On a final note, I would like to thank Local Buy for the invitation to be involved in the evaluation of one of their Tenders. It is a positive to see a state body encouraging a regional perspective in this way.